125 fans | Vote

#119 : Mon vieux

Mon vieux

Réalisateur : Adam Bernstein
Scénariste : Matt Tarses

Turk et Elliot ont rédigé un rapport ensemble. Ils doivent maintenant le présenter lors d'une conférence. Leurs parents vont donc arriver et plongent les deux étudiants dans une angoisse folle. Par la même occasion, le père de JD s'invite et s'installe quelques jours chez Turk et lui.


4.75 - 4 votes

Titre VO
My Old Man

Titre VF
Mon vieux

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


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France (redif)
Samedi 11.02.2017 à 19:35

Plus de détails

Tous les parents des internes sont invités à visiter le Sacré Coeur. Cette visite déplaît beaucoup, en particuliers JD, Elliot et Turk. Ils doivent supporter leurs parents respectifs toute la journée.

JD regrette énormément le comportement vraiment peu paternel de son père. En effet, son père et lui entretiennent une relation très amicale, sans plus, alors que JD préfèrerai avoir plus un père qu'un ami.
JD espère que son père vienne à la conférence qu'il va présenter, mais ce dernier a planifié une journée avec un de ses amis. JD est vraiment triste que son père prévoit de lui laisser tomber.

Quant à Turk, il accueille sa mère. Il hésite de lui présenter Carla, il croit que sa mère va la détester. Mais finalement, Carla très déçue, engage directement et franchement la conversation avec Mme Turk. A la plus grande surprise de Christohper Turk, les deux femmes s'entendent très bien. Mais Carla réalise qu'elle ressemble comme deux gouttes d'eau à la mère de Turk, et elle est effrayée. Elle croit que Turk est amoureux d'elle uniquement à cause de cette ressemblance.

Au même moment, Elliot reçoit ses parents, Simon et Lili, et essaie tant bien que mal de supporter l'appel au luxe que ces deux derniers lui offrent.
Elliot découvre que son père s'entend vraiment bien avec le Dr Kelso, ce qui n'est pas pour arrangé les choses: le Dr Kelso, durant les visites, essaie d'humilier Elliot. Mais Elliot s'en sort très bien, elle répond à toutes les questions, devant les yeux de son père, vraiment impressionné.
Le Dr Kelso, pour se venger, met le doute dans l'esprit d'Elliot: fait-elle ce métier pour impressionner son père ou est-ce vraiment ce qu'elle aime faire?

A la fin de la journée, Turk et Elliot présente leur rapport durant la conférence tant attendue. Les parents qui sont venus assistés sont tous très fiers de leurs enfants. Même les parents d'Elliot.

00:00:02,895 --> 00:00:07,358
Turk et Elliot ont fait un exposé sur
les maladies vasculaires périphériques.

00:00:07,441 --> 00:00:10,903
Ils sont verts car ils doivent
le présenter à une conférence.

00:00:10,986 --> 00:00:14,240
Des tas d'internes
crèveraient d'envie de le faire.

00:00:14,323 --> 00:00:18,035
Pas moi, je m'en fous.
Mon exposé était cent fois meilleur.

00:00:18,119 --> 00:00:22,540
C'est politiquement correct. Surprise !
Ils ont choisi le type noir et la fille.

00:00:22,623 --> 00:00:24,792
- Bambi.
- Quoi ?

00:00:24,875 --> 00:00:27,503
Ce n'est pas une raison
pour se morfondre !

00:00:27,586 --> 00:00:30,881
Puis Elliot a dit quelque chose
qui a tout expliqué.

00:00:30,965 --> 00:00:35,094
- Nos parents viennent.
- Je suis désolé.

00:00:35,177 --> 00:00:39,098
Je voyais que mes amis étaient fâchés.
Mais il y avait un avantage :

00:00:40,182 --> 00:00:42,017
Je pouvais empirer les choses.

00:00:42,101 --> 00:00:44,019
- Tu n'es pas passé là.
- Aide-moi !

00:00:44,103 --> 00:00:47,064
- Tu n'entends même pas la télé.
- Je regarde les images.

00:00:47,148 --> 00:00:51,569
Si je croyais au karma, je ne leur
aurais pas rendu la vie si difficile.

00:00:51,652 --> 00:00:54,280
Salut, papa.
Non, non, rien.

00:00:54,363 --> 00:00:58,117
Turk et Elliot flippent
car leur parents viennent.

00:00:58,200 --> 00:00:59,702
Le karma ne me fait pas peur.

00:00:59,785 --> 00:01:02,955
Non, il n'y a pas longtemps
qu'on s'est vus.

00:01:03,873 --> 00:01:05,249
- Papa ?
- M. Dorian.

00:01:05,332 --> 00:01:07,042
Ça roule, les garçons ?

00:01:07,126 --> 00:01:09,044
- Une bière ?
- Je ne dis pas non.

00:01:10,504 --> 00:01:14,967
JD, ça c'est l'envers
et ça c'est le revers de la médaille.

00:01:15,050 --> 00:01:17,094
- Dégage.
- Il n'en reste que deux.

00:01:17,178 --> 00:01:20,514
- JD va sortir en acheter.
- Ramène des chips.

00:01:29,440 --> 00:01:31,859

00:01:38,407 --> 00:01:40,367
Rowdy est un mâle.

00:01:40,451 --> 00:01:42,953
Mes parents ont divorcé
quand j'avais 7 ans.

00:01:43,037 --> 00:01:46,248
Jusque-là, rien d'anormal.
On a tous une relation différente

00:01:46,332 --> 00:01:50,628
avec notre père mais la mienne
m'a toujours semblé très différente.

00:01:50,711 --> 00:01:54,131
La vache, je me la ferais bien.
Regardez-moi ces nibars.

00:01:54,215 --> 00:01:57,384
- Papa, je t'en prie.
- Désolé, Johnny, mais je suis un homme.

00:01:57,468 --> 00:02:00,471
- Tu sais ce qu'ils aiment, les hommes ?
- Les nichons.

00:02:00,554 --> 00:02:02,890
C'est exact, Christopher.

00:02:02,973 --> 00:02:06,977
Je vais me pieuter avant d'être
encore plus mal à l'aise.

00:02:07,061 --> 00:02:09,063
Ta mère avait de très beaux seins.

00:02:09,146 --> 00:02:11,357
- Et voilà.
- Veux-tu rester ?

00:02:11,440 --> 00:02:13,692
On a du temps à rattraper.

00:02:16,487 --> 00:02:18,614
Péter est réglementé, ici ?

00:02:18,697 --> 00:02:19,990
Non, lâchez-vous.

00:02:20,866 --> 00:02:23,327
Largage des amarres.

00:02:23,411 --> 00:02:27,540
- Bon sang, papa.
- Bravo !

00:02:27,623 --> 00:02:30,334
Quel moment mémorable.

00:02:32,211 --> 00:02:34,588
Les parents nous rendent fous.

00:02:34,672 --> 00:02:37,758
Voici mon hôpital.

00:02:37,842 --> 00:02:40,177
C'est superbe.

00:02:41,178 --> 00:02:44,557
Chérie, c'est interdit
d'être jolie, ici ?

00:02:44,640 --> 00:02:47,017
Pas officiellement, non.

00:02:47,101 --> 00:02:51,063
Tu serais bien plus beau
en tenue bleue.

00:02:51,147 --> 00:02:55,025
Merci, maman,
mais je préfère ma tenue verte.

00:02:55,109 --> 00:02:58,654
Les parents ont le don
de faire régresser leurs enfants.

00:02:58,738 --> 00:03:01,449
Je ne veux pas de tenue bleue !

00:03:01,532 --> 00:03:06,412
Allez. Tiens-toi bien. Allez.

00:03:06,495 --> 00:03:10,499
C'est hors de question, ma chérie.
Les permanentes font bon marché.

00:03:10,583 --> 00:03:13,794
Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?
Les parents sont de sortie ?

00:03:13,878 --> 00:03:18,591
Elliot et Turk ont fait un exposé
et mon père a aussi voulu venir.

00:03:18,674 --> 00:03:24,263
Si je te pose une question
qui n'a rien de médical,

00:03:24,346 --> 00:03:27,600
tu peux parier ta tétine
que je ne veux pas de réponse.

00:03:27,683 --> 00:03:29,435
- Compris ?
- Oui.

00:03:29,518 --> 00:03:32,188
C'est comme travailler avec un singe.

00:03:36,108 --> 00:03:38,152
- Quoi ?
- Rien.

00:03:38,235 --> 00:03:40,654
Pourquoi tu ne m'as pas
présentée à ta mère ?

00:03:40,738 --> 00:03:44,450
Elle est passée me dire bonjour
avant d'aller à l'hôtel.

00:03:44,533 --> 00:03:46,744
Elle revient visiter tout à l'heure.

00:03:46,827 --> 00:03:49,580
Je croyais que tu pensais
qu'elle ne m'aimerait pas.

00:03:49,663 --> 00:03:52,208
Elle ne t'aimera pas.
Écoute, bébé.

00:03:52,291 --> 00:03:56,003
Ma mère n'a jamais appelé
mes petites copines par leur nom.

00:03:56,087 --> 00:03:58,798
Elle appelait ma copine de fac
la Grosse pomme.

00:03:58,881 --> 00:04:01,383
Elle était grosse et paumée ?

00:04:01,467 --> 00:04:07,306
Elle avait une belle peau. Ne ris pas.
C'est vrai. Une très belle peau.

00:04:07,390 --> 00:04:09,850
Alors, qu'en pensez-vous ?

00:04:09,934 --> 00:04:12,937
Il est temps de rentrer prendre
un bain dans notre suite.

00:04:13,020 --> 00:04:15,648
Je me sens sale, ici.

00:04:15,731 --> 00:04:19,693
Dr Kelso ? Voici mes parents.

00:04:21,487 --> 00:04:25,241
Je suis heureux de rencontrer
les arbres dont nos fruits sont issus.

00:04:27,326 --> 00:04:29,620
Je suis le chef de service
de St Augustine.

00:04:29,703 --> 00:04:32,456
C'est un hôpital privé de Greenwich.

00:04:32,540 --> 00:04:37,628
Je sais ce que vous pensez, vous n'avez
rien demandé. Personne ne demande.

00:04:38,337 --> 00:04:40,506
Vous restez combien de temps ?

00:04:44,343 --> 00:04:46,887
Je peux vous aider, monsieur ?

00:04:48,013 --> 00:04:51,475
Oui, mêle-toi de ce qui te regarde.

00:04:52,601 --> 00:04:54,687
Pardon ?

00:04:54,770 --> 00:04:56,897
Ah, il est agressif en plus ?

00:04:56,981 --> 00:05:00,317
Tu veux vraiment
qu'on se mette dessus, foutriquet ?

00:05:00,401 --> 00:05:02,778
Car si c'est le cas, je te garantis

00:05:02,862 --> 00:05:06,991
que ce sera la dernière connerie
que tu feras sur cette terre.

00:05:08,117 --> 00:05:09,577
Très heureux.

00:05:09,660 --> 00:05:12,037
Qu'est-ce qui lui prend ?

00:05:13,998 --> 00:05:16,792
Papa. Ne disparais pas comme ça.

00:05:18,669 --> 00:05:21,255
Voilà comment on fait une arthrocentèse.

00:05:21,338 --> 00:05:24,341
Ton résident aurait dû
te montrer comment faire.

00:05:24,425 --> 00:05:28,429
Il plaisante. Même si les résidents
sont censés nous former,

00:05:28,512 --> 00:05:30,890
il sait que leurs visites
sont intéressées.

00:05:30,973 --> 00:05:35,519
Je dois donner un cours sur le souffle
cardiaque. Tu peux le faire ?

00:05:35,603 --> 00:05:36,979
Merci, vieux.

00:05:38,898 --> 00:05:43,027
Je suis dégoûté. Je voulais passer
la journée avec mon père, demain.

00:05:43,110 --> 00:05:45,029

00:05:45,112 --> 00:05:47,198
- Comment ça ?
- Tu ne sais pas ?

00:05:47,281 --> 00:05:49,742
Procure-toi un véhicule,
un ballon, un tricycle

00:05:49,825 --> 00:05:53,704
et transporte ton père
de là où il est jusque là où tu seras.

00:05:53,788 --> 00:05:58,292
Mon père n'est pas intéressé
par mon travail. C'est plus un pote.

00:05:58,375 --> 00:06:01,378
Bien. J'ai fait une erreur.

00:06:01,462 --> 00:06:05,091
J'ai donné l'impression
que je m'intéressais

00:06:05,174 --> 00:06:08,302
mais c'est faux ! Mon Dieu !

00:06:08,386 --> 00:06:12,431
Le truc, c'est que ce n'est pas un pote
qui me manque, c'est un père.

00:06:12,515 --> 00:06:14,475
Il te manque bien quelque chose.

00:06:14,558 --> 00:06:17,853
Peut-être des épaules,
ou des testicules.

00:06:17,937 --> 00:06:21,524
Ou du moins, un oreiller
que tu trimbalerais dans l'hôpital

00:06:21,607 --> 00:06:26,195
et contre lequel tu pourrais pleurer
quand le traumatisme...

00:06:26,278 --> 00:06:28,781
J'ai des testicules.

00:06:28,864 --> 00:06:30,616
C'est un plaisantin.

00:06:32,410 --> 00:06:36,622
Prépare-toi. Je m'en occupe. Ça va
passer comme une lettre à la poste.

00:06:36,705 --> 00:06:39,291
Salut, maman. Devine quoi.

00:06:39,375 --> 00:06:41,669
Bonjour, Mme Turk.
J'irai droit au but.

00:06:41,752 --> 00:06:45,131
Je suis Carla. Désolée
qu'il ne vous ait pas parlé de moi.

00:06:45,214 --> 00:06:48,426
J'ignore comment vous l'avez
supporté si longtemps.

00:06:48,509 --> 00:06:53,431
Il m'aime beaucoup et moi aussi,
et on est bien ensemble.

00:06:53,514 --> 00:06:55,766
- Vous partagez votre lit ?
- Non !

00:06:55,850 --> 00:06:57,351
Si, madame.

00:06:57,435 --> 00:07:01,731
Mais si vous savez juger les gens,
vous verrez que je suis sérieuse.

00:07:01,814 --> 00:07:05,109
- Carla. C'est un joli prénom.
- Merci.

00:07:05,192 --> 00:07:08,571
- Oui, maman.
- Dire que tu ne m'as rien dit.

00:07:08,654 --> 00:07:11,574
Soyez gentille.
Ne lui cédez pas pendant un mois.

00:07:11,657 --> 00:07:14,160
- Entendu.
- Ce n'est pas possible.

00:07:14,243 --> 00:07:16,495
Tu ne peux pas réagir comme ça.

00:07:17,955 --> 00:07:19,707
Après vous, monsieur.

00:07:19,790 --> 00:07:23,836
Ça alors. Je n'ai pas vu de salle
comme ça depuis de le Viêt-nam.

00:07:23,919 --> 00:07:27,298
Où était votre unité de la garde
nationale dans le Connecticut ?

00:07:27,381 --> 00:07:29,383
- Très drôle.
- C'est ce que je croyais.

00:07:29,467 --> 00:07:32,678
Je crois qu'ils s'entendent
super bien, non ?

00:07:33,804 --> 00:07:37,099
Je vais vous en coller un
dont vous ne vous relèverez pas.

00:07:37,183 --> 00:07:39,560
Allez-y, salopard.

00:07:40,144 --> 00:07:44,857
Nous avons un invité aujourd'hui
pour la visite,

00:07:44,940 --> 00:07:47,276
alors faites preuve
d'un peu de jugeote.

00:07:47,359 --> 00:07:51,739
Commençons par...
Je ne sais pas, Dr Reid.

00:07:51,822 --> 00:07:55,493
La cause nutritionnelle d'une
insuffisance cardiaque à haut débit.

00:07:55,576 --> 00:07:57,828
Carence en thiamine
et béribéri humide.

00:07:57,912 --> 00:08:00,831
C'est ça. Question suivante.

00:08:00,915 --> 00:08:02,833
Passons à...

00:08:05,377 --> 00:08:07,004
Dr Reid ?

00:08:07,088 --> 00:08:09,256
J'ai déjà répondu, monsieur.

00:08:09,340 --> 00:08:12,718
- Vous avez fini pour aujourd'hui ?
- Non.

00:08:12,802 --> 00:08:15,304
Le mécanisme de la respiration
de Cheyne-Stokes

00:08:15,388 --> 00:08:17,431
lors d'un dysfonctionnement systolique.

00:08:17,515 --> 00:08:18,766
Personne ne sait ça.

00:08:18,849 --> 00:08:21,769
La prolongation du temps de circulation
entre poumons et cerveau

00:08:21,852 --> 00:08:24,397
amenuisant la sensibilité
du centre respiratoire

00:08:24,480 --> 00:08:27,233
à la pression artérielle partielle
en dioxyde de carbone ?

00:08:27,316 --> 00:08:28,651

00:08:34,865 --> 00:08:37,076
Mon père m'a fait un clin d'œil !

00:08:37,159 --> 00:08:40,579
Ça ne peut que dire
"Je t'aime et je suis fier de toi".

00:08:40,663 --> 00:08:45,000
Oui ! Les clins d'œil
ne sont pas gratuits chez les Reid.

00:08:45,084 --> 00:08:47,461
C'est là que j'ai décidé de me lancer.

00:08:47,545 --> 00:08:52,258
Bien sûr que je viendrai à ta leçon sur
le souffle au cœur. J'adore ces trucs.

00:08:52,341 --> 00:08:56,011
- Ça me fait plaisir, papa.
- Tout à fait. Je t'en prie.

00:08:56,095 --> 00:08:58,472
Mon Dieu, faites qu'il s'arrête.

00:09:05,062 --> 00:09:08,649
Comme deux louves qui s'apprêtent
à manger une brebis.

00:09:08,733 --> 00:09:12,737
Malheureusement, je suis un homme.

00:09:12,820 --> 00:09:15,614
- Turk.
- J'arrive.

00:09:19,744 --> 00:09:22,079
John Dorian, approche.

00:09:24,373 --> 00:09:27,168
Je t'effraie toujours
après tant d'années ?

00:09:27,251 --> 00:09:31,589
À Thanksgiving, j'ai dit que votre dinde
était sèche et vous m'avez brutalisé.

00:09:31,672 --> 00:09:33,841
- Il ne faut pas dire ça.
- Gros bêta.

00:09:33,924 --> 00:09:38,971
Laissez-le tranquille. J'en ai assez
de vos conspirations. Ça suffit !

00:09:39,055 --> 00:09:42,099
Il est si mignon
quand il se croit autoritaire.

00:09:42,183 --> 00:09:45,311
- Oui. Ça me tue.
- Et c'est là que c'est arrivé.

00:09:45,394 --> 00:09:49,565
Vous devriez le voir quand je prétends
le laisser... prendre une décision !

00:09:51,609 --> 00:09:56,405
C'est là que Carla a réalisé
qu'elle était comme la mère de Turk.

00:10:02,203 --> 00:10:04,288
Toutes mes félicitations, Dr Reid.

00:10:04,371 --> 00:10:07,416
- Merci.
- Vous avez dû impressionner votre père.

00:10:07,500 --> 00:10:11,462
Oui, je crois.
Il vous respecte vraiment, monsieur.

00:10:11,545 --> 00:10:13,881
C'est très gentil,
mais heureusement,

00:10:13,964 --> 00:10:17,176
mon amour-propre ne dépend pas
de ce genre de balivernes.

00:10:17,259 --> 00:10:22,264
Je suis devenu médecin pour moi,
pas pour impressionner qui que ce soit.

00:10:22,348 --> 00:10:25,518
J'ai vu des médecins qui n'avaient pas
les bonnes motivations.

00:10:25,601 --> 00:10:28,187
- Vous savez ce qui leur arrive ?
- Non.

00:10:28,270 --> 00:10:32,149
Ils démissionnent
et deviennent agents immobiliers.

00:10:32,233 --> 00:10:35,903
Vous avez l'air troublée.
Il n'y a pas de quoi.

00:10:35,986 --> 00:10:38,572
Vous serez super en tailleur doré.

00:10:38,656 --> 00:10:40,699
Merci ?

00:10:42,535 --> 00:10:44,787
C'est presque trop facile.

00:10:47,289 --> 00:10:52,044
Le boulot est super. J'aime
à penser que je vends des rêves.

00:10:52,128 --> 00:10:56,715
- Tu vends des fournitures de bureau.
- Je préfère dire des rêves.

00:10:56,799 --> 00:11:00,136
Je vais voler une autre gelée.

00:11:00,219 --> 00:11:03,347
Les parents sont comme des tornades.

00:11:03,431 --> 00:11:07,435
Ils débarquent en ville
et dévastent tout sur leur passage.

00:11:08,060 --> 00:11:10,479
Il n'y a rien sur ton plateau.

00:11:12,273 --> 00:11:14,316
Mais c'est différent pour moi.

00:11:16,110 --> 00:11:18,279
Ça va, Elliot ?

00:11:19,947 --> 00:11:25,870
Bien parlé. Enfin, Johnny,
j'ai parlé à mon pote, Jake.

00:11:25,953 --> 00:11:28,831
- Tu te souviens de Jake ?
- Non.

00:11:28,914 --> 00:11:31,625
C'est mon pote
et il quitte le pays demain

00:11:31,709 --> 00:11:34,003
pour Dieu sait combien de temps.
J'ai pensé

00:11:34,086 --> 00:11:36,839
partir demain et filer le voir.

00:11:36,922 --> 00:11:40,968
Je manquerai ton truc, mais je n'aurais
rien compris de toute façon.

00:11:41,052 --> 00:11:43,012
- Non ?
- Si.

00:11:43,095 --> 00:11:47,558
Ce qui m'a le plus surpris,
c'est que j'étais surpris.

00:11:47,641 --> 00:11:51,562
Tu te parles toujours ?
Je pensais que tu aurais arrêté.

00:11:57,735 --> 00:12:00,488
J'aurais peut-être dû
le réveiller et dire au revoir

00:12:00,571 --> 00:12:03,032
vu qu'il serait parti
avant que je rentre.

00:12:03,115 --> 00:12:06,035
Je me suis dit
que je voulais le laisser dormir,

00:12:06,118 --> 00:12:09,121
même si je n'y croyais pas moi-même.

00:12:13,375 --> 00:12:17,588
Continue à ronger et personne
ne pourra te mettre la bague au doigt.

00:12:17,671 --> 00:12:19,673

00:12:19,757 --> 00:12:21,717
...je suis une thérapie.

00:12:21,801 --> 00:12:26,764
Amy Swanson épouse Drew Gertson.
Drew est un garçon adorable.

00:12:26,847 --> 00:12:29,517
Il crachait dans la bouche des gens.

00:12:29,600 --> 00:12:31,185
Il ne le fait plus.

00:12:31,268 --> 00:12:34,271
Maman, quand j'étais petite,
je voulais être médecin ?

00:12:34,355 --> 00:12:37,149
Je me servais d'un stéthoscope
sur ma poupée ?

00:12:37,233 --> 00:12:40,694
Ma chérie, il faudrait
demander à la nounou.

00:12:40,778 --> 00:12:43,072
N'as-tu jamais atteint
un stade dans ta vie

00:12:43,155 --> 00:12:45,783
où tu t'es demandée
comment tu y es arrivée ?

00:12:45,866 --> 00:12:48,160
Es-tu en train de me dire
que tu es lesbienne ?

00:12:48,244 --> 00:12:49,954

00:12:51,872 --> 00:12:54,583
C'est exactement
ce que je veux dire, maman.

00:12:57,586 --> 00:13:02,466
Tu veux manger un morceau avec nous
après notre exposé ?

00:13:02,550 --> 00:13:04,093
Oui, je suis plutôt libre.

00:13:04,176 --> 00:13:07,638
Si tu es libre, tu as le temps
de faire ce rapport de sortie.

00:13:07,722 --> 00:13:10,599
- Ce soir, je suis libre.
- Super.

00:13:10,683 --> 00:13:14,395
Ma mère adore la bouffe cubaine.
Je lui ai dit qu'on irait à ce restau.

00:13:14,478 --> 00:13:16,355
Je le déteste.

00:13:16,439 --> 00:13:20,234
Tu as dit que tu voulais plonger
dans une cuve de plátanos

00:13:20,317 --> 00:13:22,111
et en manger jusqu'à en mourir.

00:13:22,194 --> 00:13:25,239
Voilà le problème.
Tu ne me comprends pas.

00:13:25,322 --> 00:13:26,782
Je ne discute pas.

00:13:30,119 --> 00:13:32,037
Tu as manqué un endroit, là.

00:13:32,121 --> 00:13:33,873
Quelle chance, papa.

00:13:33,956 --> 00:13:38,002
Je passe ma vie à nettoyer
après les malades.

00:13:38,085 --> 00:13:40,588
Donc demain, je serai ici
à la même heure.

00:13:40,671 --> 00:13:44,675
Tu sais que je déteste l'insolence
alors fais-m'en vingt.

00:13:44,759 --> 00:13:47,511
- Il y a peut-être des matières fécales.
- Alors 30.

00:13:47,595 --> 00:13:49,764

00:13:49,847 --> 00:13:54,310
Les parents ! Pourquoi nous
démoralisent-ils si facilement ?

00:13:54,393 --> 00:13:57,229
Compte plus fort, comme un homme !

00:13:59,315 --> 00:14:01,859
Essaie au moins
de te ménager un peu, bizut.

00:14:01,942 --> 00:14:05,821
Sinon, tu vas t'épuiser.

00:14:07,948 --> 00:14:11,118
J'ai entendu ton soupir,
tu as l'air abattu,

00:14:11,202 --> 00:14:15,206
et je sais que tu as un problème
dont tu voudrais me parler.

00:14:15,289 --> 00:14:20,753
Tu crois que ce serait cathartique
mais détrompe-toi.

00:14:20,836 --> 00:14:23,631
Ce que tu dois faire,
c'est ce qu'il y a de plus sain.

00:14:23,714 --> 00:14:28,135
Refoule tous tes sentiments,
laisse-les à leur place.

00:14:28,219 --> 00:14:30,888
Mon père s'est encore défilé.

00:14:30,971 --> 00:14:34,058
Tu n'as pas pris de drogues ?

00:14:34,141 --> 00:14:35,518
Quoi ? Non.

00:14:35,601 --> 00:14:38,729
Tu t'es fait mordre ?
Souffres-tu de malnutrition ?

00:14:38,813 --> 00:14:41,232
J'ai sauté le déjeuner
mais j'ai grignoté.

00:14:41,315 --> 00:14:44,485
Tu es un médecin de 26 ans
en pleine santé

00:14:44,568 --> 00:14:47,905
qui n'arrête pas de pleurer
parce que son père est horrible.

00:14:47,988 --> 00:14:51,075
Il m'a causé
des troubles affectifs...

00:14:51,158 --> 00:14:54,787
Tous les parents
causent des troubles affectifs

00:14:54,870 --> 00:15:00,209
et à ce qu'il paraît,
c'est l'avantage à être un parent.

00:15:00,292 --> 00:15:02,795
Si un jour, un homme
te passe la bague au doigt

00:15:02,878 --> 00:15:06,882
et que tu as la chance de pondre
un petit, tu comprendras.

00:15:06,966 --> 00:15:10,386
Pour l'instant, fais-moi confiance,
ça me serait égal

00:15:10,469 --> 00:15:13,764
si tu avais vu ton père
pour la première fois aujourd'hui.

00:15:13,848 --> 00:15:16,976
Car en réalité,

00:15:17,059 --> 00:15:19,895
il aurait pu s'en sortir bien plus mal.

00:15:23,441 --> 00:15:25,860
Au fait, pour l'exposé,

00:15:25,943 --> 00:15:29,864
je peux faire la fin ?
J'adore la fin de la présentation.

00:15:29,947 --> 00:15:32,283
Je suis faite pour être médecin ?

00:15:32,366 --> 00:15:37,288
Tu peux faire la fin. Je veux juste
dire : "Merci à tous. On a été extra. "

00:15:37,371 --> 00:15:40,958
Franchement. Tu penses que
c'est vraiment ce que je veux faire ?

00:15:41,041 --> 00:15:43,043
Elliot, je n'en sais rien.

00:15:43,127 --> 00:15:45,171
Tu peux me le dire. J'assumerai.

00:15:45,254 --> 00:15:48,716
Non, je dis "je n'en sais rien"
car je n'en sais vraiment rien.

00:15:48,799 --> 00:15:52,136
Qu'est-ce qui se passe ici ?

00:15:52,219 --> 00:15:54,847
Pourquoi les femmes
sont devenues folles ?

00:15:56,015 --> 00:15:58,142
Je ne suis pas folle, si ?

00:16:00,436 --> 00:16:04,148
Tout va bien, Elliot.
Tu es normale, tu es normale.

00:16:04,231 --> 00:16:07,234
- Turk ?
- Il n'est pas là.

00:16:09,862 --> 00:16:12,490
J'aime le restaurant cubain.

00:16:12,573 --> 00:16:16,243
L'important, c'est qu'on ait traversé
cette épreuve ensemble.

00:16:16,327 --> 00:16:19,497
J'ai paniqué car ta mère et moi
nous ressemblons beaucoup.

00:16:19,580 --> 00:16:22,124
- Et alors ?
- Je ne sais pas...

00:16:22,208 --> 00:16:27,671
Je me dis que tu as craqué pour moi
parce que je suis comme ta mère.

00:16:31,258 --> 00:16:34,220
C'est exactement pour ça
que j'ai craqué.

00:16:34,303 --> 00:16:37,098
Bon. Une amie viendra
chercher mes affaires.

00:16:37,181 --> 00:16:39,767
Attends. Assieds-toi.

00:16:39,850 --> 00:16:42,019
Où est le mal à désirer une femme

00:16:42,103 --> 00:16:45,898
qui est intelligente,
indépendante et attentionnée ?

00:16:49,735 --> 00:16:55,533
Oui. Mais si on se marie,
il faudra en parler à un psychiatre.

00:16:55,616 --> 00:16:58,744
Ne t'affole pas.
Je ne fais pas ça avec ma mère.

00:16:59,995 --> 00:17:01,956
J'espère que non.

00:17:03,666 --> 00:17:06,794
- Oh, oui, maman.
- Ça ne va pas du tout.

00:17:10,005 --> 00:17:14,468
Cox avait tort. J'avais tous les droits
d'en vouloir à mon père.

00:17:14,552 --> 00:17:16,971
Alors, comment ça se passe ?

00:17:17,054 --> 00:17:22,893
Ce n'est pas trop le moment. Je tiens
une aiguille, je dois me concentrer.

00:17:22,977 --> 00:17:27,773
Je me suis mis à considérer
mon père comme un homme

00:17:27,857 --> 00:17:32,069
et j'ai réalisé des choses
que j'avais toujours sues.

00:17:32,153 --> 00:17:36,157
Peut-être qu'il ne couchait pas sur
mon canapé parce qu'il voulait me voir

00:17:36,240 --> 00:17:38,951
mais parce qu'il ne pouvait pas
se payer l'hôtel.

00:17:39,034 --> 00:17:42,163
Peut-être qu'il n'allait pas
voir Jake parce qu'il partait,

00:17:42,246 --> 00:17:46,000
mais parce que Jake
était un client potentiel

00:17:46,083 --> 00:17:48,419
et qu'il doit vraiment faire une vente.

00:17:48,502 --> 00:17:52,590
Peut-être que c'est un homme seul,
qui a du mal à joindre les deux bouts

00:17:52,673 --> 00:17:56,469
et que ce serait sympa
de le laisser tranquille.

00:17:57,928 --> 00:18:02,433
Te voilà. Je croyais que tu devais
travailler toute la journée.

00:18:02,516 --> 00:18:04,810
Oui, mais je me suis fait remplacer.

00:18:04,894 --> 00:18:07,730
Je voulais te voir pour te dire

00:18:07,813 --> 00:18:09,565
que c'était sympa de te voir.

00:18:09,648 --> 00:18:12,151
- C'est vrai ?
- Oui.

00:18:15,279 --> 00:18:20,242
Écoute, tu sais, je voyage
pas mal ces jours-ci donc...

00:18:20,326 --> 00:18:24,205
...je suis sûr que je reviendrai
bientôt dans le coin.

00:18:24,288 --> 00:18:28,250
Je pourrais passer te voir.

00:18:28,334 --> 00:18:30,878
- Ce serait super.
- Super.

00:18:30,961 --> 00:18:34,507
- Super.
- Je serai content de te voir.

00:18:34,590 --> 00:18:35,925
Ça peut se faire.

00:18:36,008 --> 00:18:39,136
Tu as abusé
de la non réglementation des pets.

00:18:39,804 --> 00:18:41,055
Tire mon doigt.

00:18:41,138 --> 00:18:44,683
- Je ne vais pas tirer ton doigt.
- On verra ce qui se passe.

00:18:45,935 --> 00:18:48,062
J'ai fait caca.

00:18:48,562 --> 00:18:52,024
- Dr Kelso.
- La petite fille à son papa.

00:18:52,108 --> 00:18:54,235
Je veux vous dire ce qui m'est arrivé.

00:18:54,318 --> 00:18:59,698
Je vais continuer de manger ma soupe
mais sachez que je retiens mon souffle.

00:18:59,782 --> 00:19:03,452
D'abord, j'ai déclaré
ma tendance à ma mère.

00:19:03,536 --> 00:19:07,665
Les gars en radiologie
me doivent pas mal d'argent.

00:19:07,748 --> 00:19:09,417
Mais cet après-midi...

00:19:09,500 --> 00:19:12,336
... un patient m'a vomi dessus.

00:19:12,420 --> 00:19:15,089
Et j'ai souri.

00:19:15,172 --> 00:19:19,009
Vous savez pourquoi j'ai souri ?
Car j'aime ce que je fais.

00:19:19,093 --> 00:19:21,804
Mes motivations
n'étaient pas les bonnes.

00:19:21,887 --> 00:19:24,974
Mais je suis là, et je ne veux être
nulle part ailleurs.

00:19:25,057 --> 00:19:27,727
Je n'aime toujours pas votre père.

00:19:27,810 --> 00:19:29,937
Moi non plus, monsieur.

00:19:30,020 --> 00:19:33,315
Oh. Ils n'en avaient plus.

00:19:35,192 --> 00:19:37,403
Le placement
de l'endoprothèse vasculaire

00:19:37,486 --> 00:19:40,030
dans les résultats hémodynamiques
du facteur XI est inadéquat.

00:19:40,114 --> 00:19:43,159
Ou le placement de l'endoprothèse
vasculaire au moment initial...

00:19:43,242 --> 00:19:46,704
On fait peut-être l'erreur de penser
que nos parents changeront.

00:19:46,787 --> 00:19:50,166
Ils ont peut-être mieux réussi
notre éducation qu'on ne le croit.

00:19:50,249 --> 00:19:54,044
Il y a peut-être des valeurs cachées
dans ce qu'ils nous ont transmis.

00:19:54,128 --> 00:19:58,466
Comme une passion
qu'on n'avait jamais soupçonnée.

00:19:58,549 --> 00:20:02,303
Ou une aptitude à s'entourer
de gens qu'on aime.

00:20:02,386 --> 00:20:06,474
...placement ultérieur de l'endoprothèse
vasculaire. En conclusion,

00:20:06,557 --> 00:20:09,060
la différence entre les deux stratégies

00:20:09,143 --> 00:20:13,439
est insignifiante que ce soit
à court terme ou à long terme.

00:20:13,522 --> 00:20:16,317
Merci à tous, on a été extra.

00:20:28,871 --> 00:20:31,624
Et "Z", c'est pour les "Zzzzz"
que vous ferez

00:20:31,707 --> 00:20:35,002
car vous connaissez
le souffle au cœur de A à Z.

00:20:40,758 --> 00:20:44,470
- Qu'est-ce que vous faites là ?
- Je voulais venir t'écouter.

00:20:44,553 --> 00:20:47,056
Pour voir comment tu t'en sors.

00:20:47,139 --> 00:20:50,810
D'ailleurs, c'était atroce.
Vraiment catastrophique.

00:20:50,893 --> 00:20:54,814
Vous avez entendu la partie de A à K ?
J'ai dit un truc cool.

00:20:54,897 --> 00:20:57,900
Je suis arrivé à P,
comme "Pourquoi, mon Dieu ?"

00:20:59,443 --> 00:21:04,115
C'est l'hôpital le plus déplorable
et le plus sale

00:21:04,198 --> 00:21:06,409
que j'aie vu de ma vie.

00:21:06,492 --> 00:21:10,663
Dans ce cas, papa, ne te sens pas
obligé de passer tous les jours.

00:21:10,746 --> 00:21:12,790
Au revoir, fiston.

00:21:14,125 --> 00:21:16,293
À demain.

00:21:19,755 --> 00:21:23,384
- Les parents, hein ?
- Ne m'en parlez pas.

00:21:23,467 --> 00:21:25,678
Quoi, tu te fous de mon père ?

00:21:25,803 --> 00:21:27,888
Tu as dépassé les bornes, mon vieux.

00:21:27,972 --> 00:21:30,307
Ça me manquait.

Open: Hospital - Admissions Area - Day

J.D. is watching Turk and Elliot, whose faces are fallen. Carla is with them.

J.D.'s Narration: So, here’s the deal: A month ago, Turk and Elliot wrote a paper on peripheral vascular disease. And now they’re upset because they have to present it at a big medical conference.

J.D.: Do you know how many interns would die to do something like that? Not me, ‘cause I don’t really care about that stuff. Besides, I know in my heart my paper was, like, a trillion times better. And anyway, it’s so political -- I mean, surprise, surprise, they went with the black guy and the girl!

Carla: Bambi.

J.D.: What!?

Carla: Mm-mm. Mm-mm.

J.D.: Come on, what right do they have to be so damn mopey?

J.D.'s Narration: And that’s when Elliot said something that explained everything.

Elliot: Our parents are coming.

J.D.: Oh, I am so sorry.

He gives them a comforting hug.


J.D.'s Narration: I could tell my friends were pretty upset. Still, there was a bright side....

J.D.: It’s all right.

Cut to...

Turk and J.D.’s Apartment

Turk is vacuuming while J.D. sits on the couch eating a snack.

J.D.'s Narration: ...I knew I could make it worse.

J.D.: You missed a spot!

Turk: You know, you can help. You can't even hear the television!

J.D.: I like the pictures.

(Turk vacuums Rowdy.)

J.D. Narration: If I believed in karma, I might be a little more cautious about giving these guys a hard time...

(J.D. sits at the counter talking on the phone.)

J.D.: Hey, Dad. No, no, nothing. Turk and Elliot are freaking out because their parents are coming to visit.

J.D. Narration: But karma doesn't scare me!

J.D.: No, no, no, no, it hasn't been that long since you and I saw each other.

(The doorbell chimes as J.D. opens the door to reveal his father who is carrying a couple of suitcases.)

J.D.: Dad...

Turk: Hey, Mr. Dorian!

Mr. Dorian: Hey, boys. What's shakin'? Who needs a beer?

Turk: Who doesn't?

(Mr. Dorian moves to the fridge and helps himself. Turk goes over to J.D. and shows him his open palm.)

Turk: See, J.D., this is what goes around. And this? (shows other hand) Is what comes around.

Mr. Dorian: Only two left!

(J.D. reaches for one but Mr. Dorian gives it to Chris.)

Turk: That's okay. J.D.'ll go out.

Mr. Dorian: Oh, get some chips!


(Later, J.D. is sitting in the chair and Chris is on the sofa drinking his beer. Mr. Dorian comes in and bends over, checking out Rowdy.)

Mr. Dorian: Wowzer! Rowdy's a boy dog.

(He pets him and sits down. Mr. Dorian pops his beer in the dog's mouth and gets the cap off.)

J.D. Narration: My mom and dad got divorced when I was seven. I know that's not so unusual but even though everyone's relationship with their father seems different, mine always seemed *very* different.

(The boys watch the TV where a couple of women are jogging.)

Mr. Dorian: God, I'd like to take a run at her. Would you take a look at her rack?

J.D.: Dad, please!

Mr. Dorian: I'm sorry, Johnny. I'm just a man. And you know what they say about men.

Turk: They love the boobies.

Mr. Dorian: That is correct, Christopher.

(They take a drink.)

J.D.: Okay, you know, I think I'm going to hit the sack before I get even more uncomfortable.

Mr. Dorian: You know, your mother had a beautiful bosom.

J.D.: There it is!

(He gets up.)

Mr. Dorian: Sit, would you? Stay. We've got a lot of catching up to do. Please. Do you guys have a policy on farting?

Turk: No, let 'er rip.

Mr. Dorian: Fire in the hole!

(He farts.)

J.D.: Oh, my God! Dad!

Turk: Count it!

(Turk clinks his bottle with Mr. Dorian.)

J.D.: That was a nice moment.

(Hospital. J.D. walks in to see Elliot give a tour of the hospital with her two elegant parents.)

J.D. Narration: I guess everyone's parents drive them crazy.

Elliot: So, this is my hospital.

Dr. Reid: It's... stunning.

Mrs. Reid: Honey, is there a rule against looking pretty here?

Elliot: Uh, nothing official.

(J.D. looks over at Turk and his mom.)

Ms. Turk: I just think you would look so much more handsome in blue scrubs.

Turk: Thank you, Mommy, but I really like my green scrubs better.

Ms. Turk: Mmm-hmmm.

J.D. Narration: Parents have a way of making their children regress.

(An eight year old Turk stands in his now oversized green scrubs.)

Young Turk: I don't wanna wear blue scrubs!

Ms. Turk: C'mon, boy, you better watch your manners! Come on now!

(An eight year old Elliot, in her scrubs, is on the floor kicking and punching the ground.)

Young Elliot: Wahhhhhh!

Mrs. Reid: No, you can't have one, sweetheart! Perms are for trailer trash!

(J.D. snaps out of it when Dr. Cox enters.)

Dr. Cox: What in the hell is this? Parents weekend?

J.D.: Well, sort of. Elliot and Turk wrote this paper and then my dad decided "I want to come, too!"--

Dr. Cox: Look, Reba, if I ask you a question that doesn't specifically deal with a medical issue, you can bet your powdered bottom that I don't want you to answer. Do you understand?

J.D.: Yeah...

Dr. Cox: It's like... working with a monkey!

(He walks away. J.D. makes a monkey face.)

J.D.: Ooo! Ooo!

Dr. Cox: (o.s.) What?

J.D.: Nothing.

(Turk, wearing blue scrubs, talks to Carla at the nurse's station.)

Carla: Why didn't you introduce me to your mother this morning?

Turk: Because she just came by to say hey before she checked into her hotel. Besides, she's coming back later on to look around.

Carla: Okay. I was worried that you thought she might not like me.

Turk: She's not going to like you. Baby, look, my mother's never actually called any girl I've been with by her actual name. Hell, she called my college girlfriend "The Big Easy".

Carla: Well, was she fat and slutty?

Turk: She had beautiful skin. Don't smile, woman. She did. Just beautiful.

(Elliot and her parents walk through the hospital.)

Elliot: So, what do you guys think?

Mrs. Reid: Well, I think it's time to get back to the suite and get me into a bath. This place makes me feel dirty.

(Dr. Kelso walks by.)

Elliot: Dr. Kelso, Dr. Kelso! Uh, these are my parents.

Dr. Kelso: Ah, well, it's always a pleasure to meet the trees from which our little acorns fall. Bob Kelso.

Dr. Reid: Simon Reid. I'm Chief of Medicine at St. Augustine's. It's a private hospital in Greenwhich.

Mrs. Reid: I know what you're thinking. You didn't ask. Nobody ever does.

Elliot: So, uh, how long are you guys staying?

(J.D. sees an older man looking at the signs in the hospital for each ward.)

J.D.: Can I help you, sir? Sir?

Man: You can help me by minding your own damn business!

J.D.: Excuse me?

Man: Oh, aggressive, huh? Do you really want to get it on with me, Pipsqueak? Because if you do, I guarantee it'll be the last stupid thing you ever do on God's green earth.

J.D.: Nice meeting you.

J.D. Thoughts: What the hell was that about?

(J.D. runs away when the elevator dings and the Janitor walks out.)

Janitor: Dad! Don't wander off like that.

(Patient room. Cox leans over the patient in bed.)

Dr. Cox: This is your basic arthrocentesis, there, Newbie. Your resident should've showed you how to do this a long time ago.

J.D.'s Thoughts: He can't be that mad. We both know that even though residents are supposed to teach you, they really only show up when they want something.

(The resident pops up beside him.)

Dr. Steadman: Hey, I have to give the med students a lecture on heart murmurs tomorrow. Could you cover for me?

J.D.: Actually, I--

Dr. Steadman: Thanks, man.

(Poof, he disappears in a puff of smoke. J.D. coughs and waves the smoke away.)

J.D.: That sucks. I totally wanted to spend some time with my dad tomorrow.

Dr. Cox: Then take him?

J.D.: What do you mean?

Dr. Cox: Uh, I don't know, secure a vehicle of some kind -- car, balloon, tricycle -- and transport your father from wherever he is to where you're going to be.

J.D.: I don't--I don't think you really get my dad. He's not really interested in my work. He's more like a buddy.

Dr. Cox: Ohhh-kay, that was my mistake. Here I engaged you and gave you the impression that I actually care which is just so wrong! God!

J.D.: The thing is, I don't really need a buddy. What I need is a father.

Dr. Cox: Well, you definitely need something. Um, maybe a backbone, or perhaps some testicles. At the very least, a pillow that you could carry around the hospital and just cry your sad eyes out into whenever drama occures.

(He walks out. J.D. looks at the patient.)

J.D.: I have testicles.

(The patient nods.)

J.D.: He's--he's a kidder! Heh.

(In the hospital lobby, Turk, who is still wearing his blue scrubs, gives some instructions to Carla as his mother walks in.)

Turk: All right, this is it. You just brace yourself and let me handle this all nice and smooth like. All right? Hey, Mom! Guess what?

Carla: Hi, Mrs. Turk. I'm gonna cut right to the chase. I'm Carla, and I apologize if your son hasn't told you about me yet. Honestly, I don't know how you put up with him as long as you did. Still, you should know he loves me very much, I feel the same way, and we're really, really good together.

Mrs. Turk: Are you two sharing a bed?

Turk: Noooo!

Carla: Yes, ma'am, we are, but if you're a good judge of character, I think you can tell, I'm not messing around.

Mrs. Turk: Carla. That's a nice name.

Carla: Thank you.

Turk: Listen, it is, Mother-- Mrs. Turk: Oh, please! Not telling me about her. (to Carla) Dear, do me a favor. Don't give him any for a month or so.

Carla: Done!

Turk: No, it can't go down like that! It just can't go down like that!

(Dr. Kelso escorts Dr. Reid into rounds.)

Dr. Kelso: After you, sir.

Dr. Reid: Well, I'll be. I haven't seen a ward like this since Vietnam.

Dr. Kelso: So where in Connecticut was your National Guard unit stationed?

Dr. Reid: Amusing.

Dr. Kelso: I thought so.

Elliot: I think they're totally getting along, don't you?

(J.D. looks intently.)

(Fantasy sequence -- Dr. Kelso and Dr. Reid are wearing boxing outfits and boxing gloves, circling each other.)

Dr. Reid: I'm about to open a big fat can of whoop ass on you!

Dr. Kelso: Bring it on, bitch!

(Ding! Fantasy over, Dr. Kelso comes over to them.)

Dr. Kelso: All right, sports fans! We have a guest today at rounds so let's try and be sharp. Why don't we begin with, uh... I don't know... Dr. Reid! What is the nutritional cause of high output cardiac failure?

Elliot: Wet beriberi from thiamine deficiency?

Dr. Kelso: (disappointed) Yes, it is. Next question. Why don't we try, um... Dr. Reid!

Elliot: Um, I already went, sir.

Dr. Kelso: Oh, are you done for the day?

Elliot: No.

Dr. Kelso: What is the mechanism of cheyne-stokes respiration in systolic dysfunction?

J.D.'s Thoughts: What? Nobody knows that.

Elliot: Prolongation of circulation time from the lung to the brain, causing diminished sensitivity of the respiratorcenter to arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide?

Dr. Kelso: (disappointed) Yes.

(Elliot looks over at her father. He winks at her.)

(Elliot and J.D. walk down the hall together.)

Elliot: (laughs) Can you believe my dad winked at me?

J.D.: If that's not saying, "I love you and I'm proud of you," I'm not really sure what is.

Elliot: I know! Lemme tell ya, there are no gratuitous winks in the Reid household. It's like...

(She keeps walking and babbling. J.D. stops at a payphone and picks up the phone.)

J.D.'s Narration: And that's when I decided to take a chance.

(Cut to Mr. Dorian sitting on J.D.'s couch, talking on the phone.)

Mr. Dorian: Are you kidding? I'd love to come to your heart murmur lecture! I'm a big fan of those things!

(Back to J.D. in the hallway.)

J.D.: That means a lot, Dad.

Mr. Dorian: Yeah, absolutely.

(Dr. Cox passes by J.D. He gives Dr. Cox a big thumbs up.)

Dr. Cox: Oh, dear Lord, please make it stop.

(Doctor's lounge. Ms. Turk and Carla sit on the couch together, chatting. J.D. and Turk stand to the side.)

Carla: It's absolutely stunning.

Ms. Turk: Thank you. And I understand you make them.

Carla: Yes, I make them. I'd be happy to make...

Turk: Look at them. Like two wolves gabbing about which sheep to eat. Unfortunately for them, I'm a man.

Carla: Turk!

Turk: Coming!

(He gives them the two coffees he was holding.)

Carla: Thank you.

J.D.: Hi, Ms. Turk.

Ms. Turk: John Dorian, get over here.

J.D.: Well, uhh, umm...

(He awkwardly stands across the way next to Turk.)

Ms. Turk: After all these years, are you still afraid of me?

J.D.: Well, remember on Thanksgiving when I said your turkey was dry and you picked me up and shook me?

Ms. Turk: Well, then, don't say that.

Carla: Silly Bambi.

Turk: Okay, you guys, leave him alone. And I've had enough of you two conspiring and whatnot. It ends now!

Ms. Turk: (giggles) It is so cute when he thinks he's in charge.

Carla: I know! It kills me!

J.D. Narration: And that's when it happened.

Carla: You should see him prance around when I pretend to let him--

Both: Make a decision!

(They both cackle with laughter, throwing their head back and raising one hand in the air. Freeze frame.)

J.D. Narration: That's when Carla realized she was exactly like Turk's mom.

(Carla looks horrified as she puts her hand back down.)

(Elliot is walking down the hall and goes past the nurse's station, where Dr. Kelso writes in a chart.)

Dr. Kelso: Great job at rounds today, Dr. Reid.

Elliot: Thank you, sir!

Dr. Kelso: Your dad must have been very impressed.

Elliot: I think so. I could tell that he really respected you, sir.

Dr. Kelso: Well, that's very nice, but lucky for me, my self-esteem isn't tied up in that kind of poppycock. You see, I didn't become a doctor to impress my daddy, or anyone else. I did it for me. I've seen lots of doctors who got into this for the wrong reasons. You know what happens to them?

Elliot: No...

Dr. Kelso: They quit and get their real estate license. You look upset, sweetheart. You shouldn't be. I think you'd look super in a gold blazer.

Elliot: Thank you?

(He walks away, smiling.)

Dr. Kelso: This is almost too easy.

(In the cafeteria, Mr. Dorian finishes his plate of Jell-o, sitting across from J.D.)

Mr. Dorian: Work is great, Johnny. I like to believe that I'm selling dreams.

J.D.: But Dad, you sell office supplies.

Mr. Dorian: Yeah, I prefer to call them dreams. I'm gonna-I'm gonna steal another Jell-o.

(He gets up and leaves.)

J.D. Narration: I always thought parents were like tornadoes.

(Carla and Turk sit at a nearby table, Carla looking upset.)

J.D. Narration: They blow into town and devastate everything in their path.

(A numb Elliot sits down next to J.D. and puts her tray down on the table.)

Elliot: Hi...

J.D.: There's no food on your tray.

Elliot: Oh.

J.D. Narration: But it's different for me.

(Mr. Dorian sits down and slips a chunk of Jell-o he stole with his bare hand onto his plate.)

Mr. Dorian: How you doin', Elliot?

(She stares straight ahead, tears in her eyes.)

Mr. Dorian: Great talk. Uh, anyway, Johnny, I was talking to my buddy Jake this afternoon. You remember my buddy Jake?

J.D.: No.

Mr. Dorian: Well, anwyay, Jake's my buddy and he's leaving the country for who knows how long so I thought I might get out of here tomorrow afternoon and go catch up with him which would mean I'd miss your thing but I wouldn't know what I was hearing anyway. (laughs) Right?

J.D.: (laughs) Right!

J.D. Narration: I think what surprised me the most was that I was actually surprised.

Mr. Dorian: You still talking to yourself? I thought you'd outgrow that by now.


(In the morning, J.D. comes out of his room and sees his dad on the couch snoring loudly. He tiptoes over and gets his bag.)

J.D. Narration: I probably should have woken him up to say good-bye, considering he'd be gone before I got home. I told myself I wanted to let the old guy get some sleep but even I didn't believe that.

(Elliot and her mom have coffee at an outdoor cafe. Elliot chews her nails nervously.)

Mrs. Reid: Honey, you keep eating that, there won't be anything left for a man to put a ring on.

Elliot: Mom, I started therapy.

Mrs. Reid: Did you know that Amy Swanson married Drew Gertson? Drew is such a nice boy.

Elliot: Drew used to hold people down and spit into their mouths.

Mrs. Reid: He doesn't do that anymore.

Elliot: Mom, when I was a little girl, did I used to want to be a doctor? Maybe I used a toy stethoscope on one of my dolls?

Mrs. Reid: Oh, honey. You'd have to ask the nanny.

Elliot: Have you ever reached a point in your life when you just really wished you knew how you got there?

Mrs. Reid: Are you trying to tell me you're a lesbian?

Elliot: (gives up) Yes, I am. Yup. Exactly. Exactly what I'm saying, Mom.

(J.D. walks up to Turk and Carla in the hospital.)

Turk: Yo, J.D., you wanna grab a bite with us tonight after Elliot and I do our presentation?

J.D.: Yeah, I'm not that busy.

(Dr. Steadman pops up beside him.)

Dr. Steadman: Well, if you're not that busy, then you have time to do this discharge summary for me.

J.D.: I meant that later I'm not that busy--

Dr. Steadman: Fantastic!

(He disappears.)

J.D.: Arrrrgh!

(He leaves.)

Turk: So I told my mom how much you liked that Cuban restaurant downtown and she loves cuban food, so--

Carla: I hate that restaurant!

Turk: Wow. So I must have really misunderstood when you said that you loved that place and you wanted to be buried in a vat of their plantains so you could eat you way out.

Carla: See? That's our problem. You don't get me!

Turk: No argument there!

(J.D. spots the janitor and the old man he ran into earlier. The Janitor mops.)

Janitor's father: Hey, hey, hey, hey! You missed a spot right there!

Janitor: You know, lucky for me, Dad, I spend my life making a big circle around this place cleaning up after sick people so tomorrow I'll probably be here around the same time.

Janitor's father: You know that I hate sass! So just drop right down and give me twenty.

Janitor: Dad, that could be fecal matter.

Janitor's father: Make it thirty!

Janitor: Fine.

(He gets down and starts to do push-ups.)

Janitor: One...

J.D. Narration: What is with parents anyway? Why is it so easy for them to make us feel bad?

Janitor: Three...

Janitor's father: Sound off like you've got a pair!

Janitor: Dad, I don't gotta put up with this--

(Dr. Cox comes behind J.D.)

Dr. Cox: Now, you've got to at least try and pace yourself, Newbie, otherwise sure as shootin' you're going to burn out. (snaps fingers) Come.

(They walk together. J.D. sighs.)

Dr. Cox: Oh, I heard the sad sigh, I see your shoulders are slumped, and I'm aware that you have some whiny-ass problem that you want to talk to me about because you probably think it'd be cathartic to get it the hell off your chest but believe me it won't be. What you've got to do, for me, is the healthy thing. Keep all of your feelings bottled up inside where they *so* belong!

J.D.: My dad flaked on me again.

Dr. Cox: I'm sorry, um, you're not on drugs, are you?

J.D.: What? No!

Dr. Cox: Are you in jail? Have you been beaten? Are you malnourished?

J.D.: I skipped lunch but I've been snacking all day.

Dr. Cox: You are, in fact, a perfectly healthy twenty-six-year-old doctor who keeps crying about how horrible his father was.

J.D.: Well, he did some considerable emotional damage, so...

Dr. Cox: Every one of our parents does some considerable emotional damage and from what I've heard it just might be the best part of being a parent. Now, if some guy ever does put a ring on your finger and you're lucky enough to pop out a youngster, I'm sure you'll understand but for now trust me when I tell you that I wouldn't care if today was the first time you ever met your daddy. Because in reality, well, he could have done a much, much worse job. Okay?

(Doctor's lounge. Elliot and Turk sit at a table, papers scattered in front of them.)

Turk: All right, Elliot, at the presentation I was wondering, can I do the ending? Because I really love the ending of our paper.

Elliot: Do you think I'm cut out to be a doctor?

Turk: Okay, fine, you can do the ending. I just want to say, "Thanks, folks! We've been great!"

Elliot: I'm serious. Do you think this is what I really want to do?

Turk: Elliot, I don't know.

Elliot: You can tell me. I can take it.

Turk: No, Elliot, I'm saying I don't know because I really don't know. What the hell is going on here? Why have all women gone crazy?

(He walks out.)

Elliot: (talking to herself) I'm not crazy, am I? No, shhh, it's okay.

(A doctor walks in and then walks out when he hears Elliot.)

Elliot: It's okay, Elliot, you're normal...

(On-call room. Turk is spread out on the bed when Carla comes in and flicks on the light.)

Carla: Turk?

Turk: He's not here.

Carla: Turk. I do like that Cuban restaurant.

Turk: Well, I think the important thing is we got through this together.

Carla: I just freaked out because your mom and I have so much in common.

Turk: So?

Carla: I don't know, I got this crazy idea that you only fell for me because I'm just like your mom.

Turk: Aw, baby...

(He kisses her. She smiles.)

Turk: That's *exactly* why I fell for you.

Carla: (gets up) Okay, I'll probably just have a friend pick up my stuff...

Turk: No, wait, sit down. What's wrong with wanting to be with someone because they're smart and independent and always looking out for you? Okay?

Carla: Yeah.

Turk: Okay.

Carla: But if we ever get married, we're gonna have to talk about this in therapy.

Turk: Relax. I don't do this with my mama.

(He kisses her.)

Carla: I hope not.

(She leans back and turns off the lights.)

Turk: Oh, yeah, mama!

Carla: Oh, that's just wrong.

Turk: Oh, mama!

(J.D. leans over a patient and tries to insert a large needle into his knee.)

J.D. Narration: Part of me thought Cox was wrong and I had every reason to be angry with my father.

(The tinkly tinkly music screeches to a stop.)

Patient: So... how's it going down there?

J.D.: If it's okay with you, we just won't talk right now. Got a needle. Need to focus.

(The tinkly tinkly music starts up again.)

J.D. Narration: But then I stopped thinking of my dad as a father, and started thinking of him as a man. And I realized some things that deep down I probably always knew. Like, maybe he wasn't crashing on my couch to spend more quality time with me but because he couldn't afford a hotel room.

(J.D. walks down the hall.)

J.D. Narration: And maybe he wasn't going to see his buddy Jake to catch up, but because Jake was someone he might be able to sell something to and he really needs a sale.

(At J.D.'s apartment, Mr. Dorian sits on the bed by himself.)

J.D. Narration: And maybe the truth is, he's just a middle-aged lonely guy trying to get by and it sure would be nice if someone would give him a break once and a while.

(J.D. walks in.)

J.D.: Hey, Dad.

Mr. Dorian: Hey, there he is! I thought you had to work all day.

J.D.: You know, I did, but I got someone to cover for me because I wanted to make sure I caught you and let you know how cool it was to see you.

Mr. Dorian: Really?

J.D.: Yeah.

Mr. Dorian: Well... (clears throat) Well, listen, I, um, you know, I have to travel a lot lately so I'm sure I'll be back in this region again soon. I could swing back out to see you.

J.D.: That would be really great.

Mr. Dorian: Great.

J.D.: Great.

Mr. Dorian: Great. I'd be happy to see you.

J.D.: I see you've been taking advantage of the farting policy.

Mr. Dorian: Hey, pull my finger!

J.D.: I'm not gonna pull your finger!

Mr. Dorian: Pull my finger, see what happens.

(J.D. does so.)

Mr. Dorian: I pooed a little.

(In the cafeteria at the hospital, Dr. Kelso eats his soup at a table alone. Elliot walks up with her own bowl of soup on her tray.)

Elliot: Dr. Kelso.

Dr. Kelso: Well, if it isn't daddy's little girl.

Elliot: Dr. Kelso, I just wanted to tell you what happened to me this afternoon.

Dr. Kelso: I'm going to go right ahead and keep eating my soup but you rest assured I'm holding my breath on the inside.

Elliot: First, I came out to my mother.

Dr. Kelso: Well, then it appears the boys down in radiology owe me quite a bit of money.

Elliot: But this afternoon...

(Flashback. Elliot leans forward and tries to take a patient's temperature. The patient leans forward and pukes on her.)

Elliot: (voice over) A patient puked on me... and I smiled.

(Elliot stands up and grins.)

(Back to the cafeteria. Elliot sits down across from Kelso.)

Elliot: You know why I was smiling? Because I really like what I do. I mean, you were right, I got into this for all the wrong reasons but I lucked out because now that I'm here, I can't imagine being anywhere else.

Dr. Kelso: I still don't like your father!

Elliot: Oh, me neither, sir.

(She reaches across and takes some crackers from his tray, crumbling them into her soup.)

Elliot: Oh, they were all out.

(Elliot and Turk's presentation. They're both dressed up and standing before the microphone. Elliot's parents, Ms. Turk, Carla and J.D. are among the spectators.)

Elliot: Placement of an iliac stent when hemodynamic results of PTA are inadequate or primary stent placement at the initial time of PTA...

J.D. Narration: Maybe the mistake we make is thinking our parents will change.

(Mrs. Reid, from the audience, gestures to her hair and mouths "Fix your hair" to Elliot.)

J.D. Narration: And maybe they did a better job than we give them credit for.

(Elliot wipes the hair out of her face and continues.)

J.D. Narration: And maybe there, amid all the crap they dumped on us, are some things worth keeping. Like a passion for something you never knew you had. Or the ability to constantly surround yourself with people who love you.

(Turk waves to his girls. Ms. Turk and Carla wave back, both smiling.)

Elliot: In conclusion, the difference in the outcome between the two strategies was not significant in either short-term or long-term prognosis.

Turk: Thank you very much, folks. We've been great.

(Everyone claps. J.D. stands up and tries to get a wave going, but no one else participates.)

(Hospital. J.D. is finishing up his lecture to a group of med students.)

J.D.: And "Z" is for the Zs you'll be getting, now that you know heart murmurs from "A" to "Z."

(They all leave. He turns around and sees Dr. Cox who has been listening in.)

J.D.: What are you doing here?

Dr. Cox: Yeah, I just figured I'd come down and check it out. You know, see how you were doing. And for the record, that was atrocious. I mean, downright abysmal.

J.D.: I know, but did you see "A" through "K"? 'Cause I did a really cool thing with "A" through "K."

Dr. Cox: Actually, I showed up at "Y." As in, "Why, dear God, why?!"

(At the lobby of the hospital, the Janitor and his father prepare to say their good-byes. J.D. is in the background.)

Janitor's father: You know, this has got to be the most piss-poor sorry excuse for a hospital that I have ever set foot in.

Janitor: Well, Dad, in that case, feel free to not stop by every day that you're in town.

Janitor's father: Good-bye, son.

(He hugs him.)

Janitor's father: See you tomorrow.

Janitor: Yup.

(He leaves.)

Janitor: Heh, heh. Parents, huh?

J.D.: Tell me about it.

Janitor: Yeah, what's that, a shot at my dad? That's stepping over the line, pal.

J.D.: (gestures back and forth) I missed this.

Kikavu ?

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