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Saison 1

Episode 1  
Detective Jane Rizzoli: [to Maura as she answers the door in the middle of the night] Why do you always look like you're about to do a photoshoot?
Detective Jane Rizzoli: So how long can a person go without sleeping?
Maura Isles: Hallucinations begin by day four followed by slurred speech, short attention span and death.
Detective Jane Rizzoli: You're better than Wikipedia.
Maura Isles: Wikipedia is frequently incorrect. Very little of what they write is rigorously peer-reviewed.
Episode 2  
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Oh my God. You're flirting over a dead body. 
Dr. Maura Isles: When else am I going to do it?
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Maura, what do you see? 
Dr. Maura Isles: A reddish brown stain. 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: In other words, blood. 
Dr. Maura Isles: No, the crime lab will determine what it is. She has no lacerations. 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: So maybe we got lucky and the killer was bleeding. Or smearing reddish brown stuff.
Dr. Maura Isles: You are deceptively complex. I do not understand you. 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Well, you would if I was a dead body. 
Dr. Maura Isles: Do you think so?
Angela Rizzoli: Frankie needs a wife. 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Why? He has you!
Detective Kenny Leahy: Detective, huh? I heard they was putting girls on the job. 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Yeah, they even let us drive our own cars.
Episode 3  
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Yo, Dr. Death. J-Lo needs a cause of death, not a seminar on gangsta nicknames.
Lt. Joey Grant: I gotta leave for D.C. Soon. Just wanted to come by and see you before I left. Say bye, if that's okay. 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: What's in D.C.? 
Lt. Joey Grant: Big job I wasn't expecting. 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: What, did they appoint you to the Supreme Court or something? 
Lt. Joey Grant: [half-smiling] No, not that big.
Dr. Maura Isles: [Maura speaks in Creole to the mother of the victim] Exorcisms are very powerful. 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Is that what she said? 
Dr. Maura Isles: No. 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Is that what you said? 
Dr. Maura Isles: No. 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Maura.
Detective Jane Rizzoli: How much you know about Cape Verdeans? 
Detective Barry Frost: You mean, do I have any special insight because I'm black? 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: [scoffing] Yeah. The gangbangers I've arrested are usually somewhat suspicious of white, female cops.
Dr. Maura Isles: Very intriguing culture. 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Descendants from the Portuguese explorers and slaves from the Cape Verdean Islands. 
Dr. Maura Isles: I'm impressed! 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: I can Google, too. And that Father Coku, or whatever, is a phony. Did you check out that poncho he was wearing? 
Dr. Maura Isles: A grand boubou. 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: I said I know. 
Dr. Maura Isles: Oh you knew? What that robe was called? 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: A boubou? 
Dr. Maura Isles: Well it's popular with the Christians in West Africa. Though the Swahili and East Africans and Bantu speakers in Central Africa also... 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Like their boubous?
Episode 4  
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Stay in the car. 
Angela Rizzoli: I won't embarrass you. 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Thirty years of experience says otherwise.
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Did you play sports? 
Dr. Maura Isles: [proudly] Ballet. And fencing. 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Those aren't sports. 
Dr. Maura Isles: Yes they are! What did you play? 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Field Hockey. I was an Attacker. 
Dr. Maura Isles: I'm sure you were very aggressive. 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: [confused then amused] Attacker is a position.
Angela Rizzoli: Can you help me get the Buick back? You're a Police Officer! 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: I'm a Homicide Detective! Are you planning on killing the car dealer? 
Angela Rizzoli: I might.
Angela Rizzoli: I didn't think you talked to anyone like that but me. 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Is that Mom-speak for Thank you?
Detective Jane Rizzoli: [skeptically examining a sandwich] Is this from the good fridge, or the dead people fridge? 
Dr. Maura Isles: Cold air is cold air.
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Ohh. Doctor Maura Isles. Knuckle deep in germy bar snacks, I'm shocked. 
Dr. Maura Isles: Oh, I had representative samples tested. Bacteria count fell within acceptable limits. Want one? 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Must be very complicated to be you. 
Dr. Maura Isles: You have no idea.
Episode 5  
Dr. Maura Isles: Mmm, branzino. With a Mugnier reduction. 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Oh, ugh, it's looking at me, like I personally put the hook in. How am I supposed to eat that? 
Dr. Maura Isles: Use your fish knife. It's next to the melon spoon.
Episode 6  
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Maybe I should be a lesbian. 
Maura Isles: Aww, well wishes can come true. Frost and Korsak wanted to fill out your dating profile. I typed! 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: You what? 
Maura Isles: If it wasn't for me, you'd be butch.
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Maura, we all love the fact that you dress like you're about to strut down a Paris runway. It's, it's... interesting. 
Detective Barry Frost: 
It's endearing. 
Detective Vince Korsak: 
Episode 8  
Detective Jane Rizzoli: [checking her phone] It's Maura. You wanna come to the autopsy? 
Special Agent Gabriel Dean: [mildly] That sounds lovely. Can that be our first date? 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: [laughing] Yeah, that's actually an offer I've never had before.
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Maura, what is Frankie's face doing? 
Dr. Maura Isles: Movement of the outer orbicularis oculi pars lateralis. He's happy! 
Frankie Rizzoli Jr.: [laughing] What? 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: [slowly] I'm being hunted by a serial killer, and my little brother's occipital spatula is orbiting.
Episode 9  
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Oh, don't tell me that you're finally letting emotion run that big brain. 
Dr. Maura Isles: I don't know who I am anymore. I just... 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Come on. You're the same ridiculously smart, amazing, goofy person that you were before. I mean knowing that he is the source of the sperm doesn't change that. 
Dr. Maura Isles: Well don't be so sure. Technically you did just say that my father's a killer. 
Detective Jane Rizzoli: Mm mm mm. I said the sperm donor was a killer.


Ecrit par mounia 
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